Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First kick!

March 30th - 17 weeks pregnant

We have spent the last week in Santa Barbara, CA for my beautiful sister-in-law's wedding. While the day turned out less-than-sunny, the rain held off until we were under the tents. By Monday, the sun emerged from behind its cover and I finally saw the sun... after months of Oregon rain! The change in weather inspired us to stay another week, but it also meant we have to take a ton of time at the hotel to stay and get work done. Its a bummer, but it has allowed us some time to go out and get food from our favorite places and catch a few rays and time with our family. My wonderful husband even took me to a local (and only) maternity store that sells new/consigned maternity and childrens attire. Having not have purchased or brought any shorts, this was a necessity as the temp is supposed to climb to 80+ this week and I was already sweating at 65-70* in jeans and a tee! 

I don't have any wedding pictures or pictures of myself as I forgot to bring the photo transfer cable, but here is a few phone shots of Lake Los Carneros next to Adam's parents house showing the beautiful scenery after a winter of over-abundant rain... yes, even in So Cal! 

While we have had a boring/stressful day in the hotel room, we did have a first! While I had been feeling fluttering for weeks internally, I finally felt a real kick on my lower right side. I called Adam over quickly but I guess that all baby had in him/her. It was a pretty good one. I might be glad I am not feeling kicks as big as that regularly as when it gets bigger, it might break a rib!

Friday, March 18, 2011


March 18th- 15.5 week pregnant

It's been at least a week since my last barf/gag/dry heaving episode! Yay! I missed food. So far I have enjoyed my new found ability to eat by eating eggs (with digestive enzymes, still don't digest them well, but at least they are not making me barf), Chipotle (skipped the salad, went straight for burrito), Arawan Thai food (coconut soup and garden curry), pancake and omlette Sunday breakfast with the hubby, and make 2 pots of soup! The first was a cabbage chickenless soup with LOTS of chickpeas, and the second was a hodgepodge of stuff I found with lots of veggies, a couple cans of randon white beans I found in the pantry, and a cup of quinoa. With the quinoa it turned into a thick stew by the time it was done.

I took an updated picture this morning. I'm sucking in... I have to.. I don't look pregnant. I don't have that lovely bump-ish-ness just chunk-ish-ness. My upper abs are still a quasi 2 pack, and then it bulges out at the bottom like a alcohol loving sorority girl. If I don't look like I'm actually pregnant in a month, I'm going to get one of these shirts:

Or I can really make a statement with this one:

 Anyway, here is the updated 15.5 week picture:

Sorry for the creepy no head pictures... once I actually have a belly, Ill rope Adam into taking pictures with my head included. Once there is actually a belly to take a picture of. 

Back to resting on the couch, watching cupcake/cake/food shows and finally breaking into my Chocolate Peanut Butter So Delicious Coconut Ice Cream that has been sitting in my freezer for 3 months. I've got a long day at the tack sale tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Barf and Boredom

March 9, 2011- 14.5 weeks pregnant 

Yes, I know. Long time, no post. Its been a rough couple of week with a few highlights thrown in there.

First things first! I finally  got to the point where I could take the "at home" home early gender test.

I know its not 100% percent, but its fun. While secretly hoping for a girl, I just have been feeling "boy" lately. Well, here are my results for comparison.

I think the results are pretty clear. While we know it's not 100%, it was fun to try. We have been searching for names for weeks now (at least its something we CAN do) and tentatively picked "Aiden Holms" if it does turn out to be a boy. We have been searching for a girl name that we like in case it turns out to be a girl, but have yet to come up with one that we like. Only 5 more weeks until we can find out for (mostly) sure at the 20 week ultrasound! We are planners and definitely want to know either way.

Other than that, not much has changed. Still nauseated, though its not as bad as before. I am able to get out of the house more, exercise much more, and get more work done. It seems though the more tired I get, the more nauseated I get, so I am still getting nauseated at night. Ugh. I still have to eat small portions, but I am able to prepare food now without dry heaving over the sink.

As far as changes in me, not much has changed. I look fatter but haven't really gained any weight. I REALLY don't like this in-between just look thicker stage, but with my freakishly long torso and abdominal strength, I think I will be doomed to look a little thicker in the middle but in no way pregnant for at least another month. Last week I went to my first pregnant ladies meet up group for group pedicures and when I walked through the door this lady sitting in one of the chairs sipping wine asked if I was pregnant. I said, "yes" and she scoffed and said "well, you must be BARELY pregnant". I dunno, but 3.5 months of nausea and exhaustion, I felt like I deserved a little more credit than being "barely" pregnant. Well, even though some people were around the same due date as I was, I was the only one NOT showing. Oh well, there IS a BABY in there. We have heard a heartbeat, and the constant nausea is a never ending reminder I am still pregnant.

On the brighter side- we found our midwives! We had an amazing meeting with Carrie from Andaluz Water Birth Center. While we are not planning to birth at their beautiful birth center (30 minute drive or longer with traffic- can't imagine doing that in labor), they will bring a large tub, 2 midwives and an assistant or two to our house, which is only a 5 minute or less drive from the hospital, or less by ambulance. I felt very safe after meeting with the midwives. Just for everyone's knowledge, they will be bringing with them IV equipment (and trained in how to use it) but will only use it if absolutely neccessary, trained to minor surgical repairs in case of a tear requires stitches (PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE NO TEARING), trained in infant resuscitation, and monitor the baby as often as neccessary. They will be with me as soon as I feel I need the support and stay with me until several hours after the baby is born, have already nursed, prepare a meal for me, and make sure everyone is asleep. They will then return to check in on me AT HOME 24 and 48 hours after the baby is born. It will be one of the hardest things I will ever do, but I truly feel like I will be most comfortable birthing at home. I have done all my reading, weighed all the risks, and in my heart just feel like it will be a much better experience at home. When I think of birthing at a hospital I just think of the battle I will have to put up just to be able to birth and labor the way I want to, and comfortably, without a bunch of strangers around and away from the comfort of my own home and bed. One of the reasons I picked Andaluz is that I felt instantly at home with the midwife I was matched with. She was warm, carring, supportive, knowlegable and had birthed her two children at home, so she would know exactly what I was going through.

Here is their website:

If you click on "our midwives" my midwife is Carrie.  I am planning on joining their 6 week class series. It seems like sooo much more than just breathing and laboring techniques. It focuses a lot on our mental preparation. What our fears and hesitations are. How we envision our perfect birth. How to bring the father into a supportive position and most of all, embracing our pregnancy as something our bodies are MADE to do, not a medical emergency. They do a lot of birth art, meditation and relaxation techniques. etc. It just focuses so much on empowering and love! They even have a class that incorporates love letters and blessing for the birth, touch relaxation, and even touch base in the last class on baby wearing, circumcision, nighttime parenting, newborn care and breastfeeding. They have ongoing classes for postpartum dealing with breastfeeding! I can't wait to start my journey with Andaluz!

Well, I think I have rambled enough for now. I promise I will try to update more often, hopefully with pictures of me actually looking pregnant!

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